Alexandre Istrati

French/Romanian (1915-1991)
Composition verte, 1956
Sans titre, 1950
Sans titre, 1951
Composition Orange, 1951

Alexandre Istrati was born in Romania in 1915. At the early age of nine he began to paint, but decided to study law at the University of Bucharest from 1932-1937. In 1938, Istrati received his diploma from the Art Academy of Bucharest, where he acted as professor until 1947. He married the Romanian painter Natalia Dumitresco in 1939. Istrati received many awards for his work in Bucharest. He obtained the Prize of the “Salon Officiel” and the Prize of the Musée Simu in Bucharest in 1941. He participated in painting exhibitions in Bucharest from 1941 through 1946.

Because of a French grant in 1947, Istrati and his wife were able to move to Paris where they definitively established themselves. Istrati studied at the atelier of French cubist André Lhote and at the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris.

Istrati and Dumitresco befriended the legendary sculptor Constantini Brancusi, himself a displaced Romanian. At his request, the couple moved into a studio next door to his at 11 Impasse Ronsin in the XVth arrondisement of Paris. They worked for Brancusi for nine years, until his death in 1957. Istrati and Dumitresco were named the legal executors of his will. Together with his wife, Istrati reorganized the “studio Brancusi” in the Pompidou Center in Paris, dedicated in 1977, as a wing of this illustrious museum. Istrati moved with Dumitresco in 1958 from l’Impasse Ronsin to 18 Rue Sauvageot, where they built their ateliers on a property left to them by Brancusi. They both became naturalized French citizens in 1965.

Istrati’s pictures are colorful and romantic. They open a world of sounds and colors. What appears chaotic is a passionate growth of the colors. Sometimes the color swabs sit easily like powder on the canvas, other times they are sucked in with the movement of the composition.  

He received the Kandinsky Prize in 1953.  In 1955, he participated in the Prize Lissone in Milan, and in 1957 in the Carnegie Institute Exhibition in Pittsburg. He was Member of the Comité du Salon d’Octobre in Paris from 1952-53, Member of the Comité du Salon des Réalités Nouvelles in Paris from 1955 to 1965, and Member of the Comité du Salon Comparaisons in Paris from 1965 onwards.

Prize of the Musée Simu, Bucharest, 1941

Prix Kandinsky, 1953

Comité du Salon d’Octobre, Paris, France

Comité du Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris, France

Comité du Salon Comparaisons, Paris, France

Galerie Craven, Paris, France, 1950

Galerie Colette Allendy, Paris, France, 1952

Gallery Circle and Square, New York, New York, 1953

Galerie Denise Réné, Paris, France, 1954

Premio Lissone, Milan, Italy, 1955

Galerie Craven, Paris, France, 1956

Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1957

Galerie Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 1957

Galeria de Arte Contemporanea, Caracas, Venezuela, 1957

World House Galleries, New York, New York, 1958

Gres Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1959

Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, Italy, 1959

Galerie de la revue XXème siècle, Paris, 1960

Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany, 1960

Hanover Gallery, London, England, 1961

Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pomidou, Paris

Foundation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Venice

Musée d'Art Contemporain, Dunkerque

Musée d'Art et d'Industrie, Saint-Étienne

Muséedes Beaux-Arts, Nantes

Musée Des-piau-Wlerick, Mont-de-Marsan

Musée Picasso, Antibes

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid

Musée Djakarta

Kunsthalle, Zurich

Städtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim

Musée de l'État, Bucarest

Musée de l'État, Sofia

Forgham University, New York

The Hebrew University, New York

Saint-Louis University, Missouri

San Francisco Museum

The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Smithsomian Institution, Washington D.C.

Alexandre Istrati was born in Romania in 1915. At the early age of nine he began to paint, but decided to study law at the University of Bucharest from 1932-1937. In 1938, Istrati received his diploma from the Art Academy of Bucharest, where he acted as professor until 1947. He married the Romanian painter Natalia Dumitresco in 1939. Istrati received many awards for his work in Bucharest. He obtained the Prize of the “Salon Officiel” and the Prize of the Musée Simu in Bucharest in 1941. He participated in painting exhibitions in Bucharest from 1941 through 1946.

Because of a French grant in 1947, Istrati and his wife were able to move to Paris where they definitively established themselves. Istrati studied at the atelier of French cubist André Lhote and at the Ecole de Beaux Arts in Paris.

Istrati and Dumitresco befriended the legendary sculptor Constantini Brancusi, himself a displaced Romanian. At his request, the couple moved into a studio next door to his at 11 Impasse Ronsin in the XVth arrondisement of Paris. They worked for Brancusi for nine years, until his death in 1957. Istrati and Dumitresco were named the legal executors of his will. Together with his wife, Istrati reorganized the “studio Brancusi” in the Pompidou Center in Paris, dedicated in 1977, as a wing of this illustrious museum. Istrati moved with Dumitresco in 1958 from l’Impasse Ronsin to 18 Rue Sauvageot, where they built their ateliers on a property left to them by Brancusi. They both became naturalized French citizens in 1965.

Istrati’s pictures are colorful and romantic. They open a world of sounds and colors. What appears chaotic is a passionate growth of the colors. Sometimes the color swabs sit easily like powder on the canvas, other times they are sucked in with the movement of the composition.  

He received the Kandinsky Prize in 1953.  In 1955, he participated in the Prize Lissone in Milan, and in 1957 in the Carnegie Institute Exhibition in Pittsburg. He was Member of the Comité du Salon d’Octobre in Paris from 1952-53, Member of the Comité du Salon des Réalités Nouvelles in Paris from 1955 to 1965, and Member of the Comité du Salon Comparaisons in Paris from 1965 onwards.

Awards & Memberships

Prize of the Musée Simu, Bucharest, 1941

Prix Kandinsky, 1953

Comité du Salon d’Octobre, Paris, France

Comité du Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, Paris, France

Comité du Salon Comparaisons, Paris, France

Selected Exhibitions

Galerie Craven, Paris, France, 1950

Galerie Colette Allendy, Paris, France, 1952

Gallery Circle and Square, New York, New York, 1953

Galerie Denise Réné, Paris, France, 1954

Premio Lissone, Milan, Italy, 1955

Galerie Craven, Paris, France, 1956

Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1957

Galerie Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 1957

Galeria de Arte Contemporanea, Caracas, Venezuela, 1957

World House Galleries, New York, New York, 1958

Gres Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1959

Galleria del Naviglio, Milan, Italy, 1959

Galerie de la revue XXème siècle, Paris, 1960

Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, Germany, 1960

Hanover Gallery, London, England, 1961

Museums & Collections

Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris

Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pomidou, Paris

Foundation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Venice

Musée d'Art Contemporain, Dunkerque

Musée d'Art et d'Industrie, Saint-Étienne

Muséedes Beaux-Arts, Nantes

Musée Des-piau-Wlerick, Mont-de-Marsan

Musée Picasso, Antibes

Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Madrid

Musée Djakarta

Kunsthalle, Zurich

Städtische Kunsthalle, Mannheim

Musée de l'État, Bucarest

Musée de l'État, Sofia

Forgham University, New York

The Hebrew University, New York

Saint-Louis University, Missouri

San Francisco Museum

The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Smithsomian Institution, Washington D.C.

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